Another Year, Another CNC

Blog, Computers, Woodworking

You might remember about a year ago, I went through the process of retrofitting the electronics in an old Dahlgren 400EZ CNC Engraver. I bought it off of Craigslist for $50. To be honest, I still think that is a steal even after learning its limitations. I researched and learned a lot to get it […]

April 8, 2021

Coding or Cooking?

Blog, Computers, Recipes

I’ve been trying to decide which of the things I did today was more creative, coding or cooking. Neither of them was particularly intensive, both were creative in some way, and both had satisfying results. Trying to decide which one is better isn’t really the important takeaway, but I want to weigh each one anyway. […]

February 20, 2017

Keeping track of programming projects over the years

Blog, Computers, Writing

I know for years and years I’ve teased different programming projects, among others, I’m working on here (hell, this website was initially a programming project–I wrote an entire blogging platform from scratch as a proof of concept; it was primitive, but I loved the software and only switch to WordPress as it was easier to […]

May 28, 2014

Ubuntu Gets Me Excited


Okay, time to nerd out all over my blog. It’d be a lie to say I’m not excited for Thursday. “Why Danny? What’s so important about Thursday? Do you have the day off?” Yes, I have the day off. I have every Thursday off at the moment but that’s not it. Thursday is the day […]

October 16, 2012

Raspberry Pi Ordered


For those of you who might care, I finally ordered my Raspberry Pi today. I’ve put it off for no clear reason. Which, considering it’sĀ back-orderedĀ for at least three weeks, is stupid. Since it’s being delivered to my parents place back in the States, I won’t get to play with it for a while. Currently, I’m […]

October 4, 2012

The Next Gen NES HTPC with Legos


Remember when I wanted to build a NES HTPC? Me too. It was a great idea. Then I changed my mind. I decided that I’d rather go with a Raspberry Pi to power my HTPC (running OpenELEC, of course). It’s a far cheaper option and people are reporting great success with it. At first, I […]

September 11, 2012

Operating System Switch Considerations


Guys, the release of Windows 8 is looming and I’m starting to panic only a bit. I do things like this for things like this. Get used to it. I’m usually be pretty excited for a new version of Windows (hell, I got Vista when it came out. AND. LOVED. IT.). Windows 7 was the […]

August 16, 2012

Analog Writing for Digital Content

Computers, Writing

In the next 24 hours, expect to see a spike in my word count to the left. I’ve been busy writing the past few days and today is going to be a day of typing (after I bake a batch of muffins and deliver them). I figured out the secret to me churning out ~4,000 […]

July 11, 2012



Back in March, when the Windows 8 Consumer Preview was release, I tried and tried to get it to install on a spare partition of my hard drive. However, I couldn’t get it to work and I talked tried installing OpenELEC instead. While I haven’t played with OpenELEC in a while (I think I wiped […]

June 27, 2012