My Heart Cries Out

Blog, Peace Corps

My heart cries out for my people. I saw the news as it happened last night. Russia launched an unprovoked attack on my beloved Ukraine. All the reports in recent weeks pointed towards this needless aggression, but the feeling of that happening hits different and all at once. Ukraine does not deserve this. Ukrainians deserve […]

February 24, 2022

Ten Years

Blog, Peace Corps

Ten years. Let that sink in. Where were you ten years ago? What were you getting ready to do? Can you even imagine? Any given day, I couldn’t tell you without looking it up. But today I know. Today I know that ten years ago, I was leaving to forever change who I was. I […]

September 17, 2020


Blog, Peace Corps, Recipes

Let’s take a few steps backward and talk about Peace Corps, it’s been a while and I’m feeling nostalgic. If we go back six years, I would be in the summer of my second year in Ukraine. Likely packing for baseball camp in Khmelnitsky or Camp Excite somewhere in Sumska Oblast. My days would be […]

July 4, 2018

The old country

Blog, Peace Corps

Sometimes I have dreams at night about people and places in Ukraine. They seem to be some of my most vivid dreams. I don’t usually remember my dreams, which is why these really stand out. I wake up, and the feeling of the dream really sticks with me. I wake up and feel sad. I […]

February 8, 2017

Welcome Back

Blog, Peace Corps

I sent a message to a railroad company the other day to see if I could get an idea about the number of and frequency of trains in a particular area. I got a response as from a customer service representative saying they forwarded my request to the appropriate person . They ended their email […]

January 23, 2017

Fighting off the Demon Spawn

Blog, Peace Corps

In Peace Corps, I learned a valuable lesson during my run to Russia. Okay, well technically it was after we got stopped at the border we were trying to cross illegally wanted to visit and after the border guards told us to get into a van that had just crossed the border and dropped us […]

June 25, 2014

Peace Corps Fundraiser Lunch

Blog, Peace Corps

I did it finally, I took the leap. I wrote a couple of weeks ago about how I was planing on getting more involved in the RPCV community around where I live and this past Saturday, I took the next step. This past weekend I went to the Spring Peace Corps Fundraiser lunch hosted by […]

April 8, 2014

Milwaukee Peace Corps Association

Blog, Peace Corps

Ever since I’ve gotten back from the Peace Corps, I wanted to do more with my life. I wanted more than a job and an apartment and a car to get between the two. There was this need to be doing something that helped the community, no matter how small or large. It was a […]

March 28, 2014

Whitewater, WI and the Peace Corps

Blog, Peace Corps

So get this, Peace Corps announced their “Top Volunteer-Producing States and Metropolitan Areas for 2013” today, and it’s surprising, but my tiny hometown barely made one of the lists. At first, I got really excited thinking it was me who made the list, but it’s for 2013 and it’s been over a year since I got […]

December 11, 2013