March Updates


I’ve been too busy lately. A lot of time was taken up by my grandma’s last few weeks. We had an unusual amount of family visiting to say their goodbyes and that kind of thing really keeps you busy. It’s not something I recommend for any of you. Work has also been keeping me busy. […]

March 25, 2013

Raspberry Pi Ordered


For those of you who might care, I finally ordered my Raspberry Pi today. I’ve put it off for no clear reason. Which, considering it’sĀ back-orderedĀ for at least three weeks, is stupid. Since it’s being delivered to my parents place back in the States, I won’t get to play with it for a while. Currently, I’m […]

October 4, 2012

The Next Gen NES HTPC with Legos


Remember when I wanted to build a NES HTPC? Me too. It was a great idea. Then I changed my mind. I decided that I’d rather go with a Raspberry Pi to power my HTPC (running OpenELEC, of course). It’s a far cheaper option and people are reporting great success with it. At first, I […]

September 11, 2012



Back in March, when the Windows 8 Consumer Preview was release, I tried and tried to get it to install on a spare partition of my hard drive. However, I couldn’t get it to work and I talked tried installing OpenELEC instead. While I haven’t played with OpenELEC in a while (I think I wiped […]

June 27, 2012

Operating Woes


I was really excited the other day because I was downloading the Windows 8 Consumer Preview. If you’re unaware, I’m a nerd. I was excited until I started installing it. I’ve tried four times now and I can’t get it to work. When I was installing from inside Windows 7, it would hang at 72% […]

March 4, 2012