Solar Eclipse 2024

Blog, Photography

At the beginning of this year, I didn’t know that photographing the eclipse on film was something that I wanted to do. Heck, I don’t think it even registered for me that there would be an eclipse. Then, I saw some videos where people were hyping it up and why and suddenly I was hyped […]

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High School – Roll 9

Blog, Photography

Whositwhatsit? I’m pretty sure that the was the name of this assignment. Find an object and shoot it from different angles and then other people had to guess what it was. I think mine was guessing in about 5 seconds or less. (It’s a bike rack!) I genuinely hated this assignment. I remember having so […]

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Photographing an Eclipse on 35mm Film

Blog, Photography

Recently, it came to my attention that the 2024 solar eclipse will be happening next month. On a whim, I decided to take a day off, and make a day of it. I have been itching for some time to relax, and celestial events are a good catalyst for relaxation, in my opinion. However, I […]

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High School – Roll 8

Blog, Photography

There was no assignment for this roll, and to be honest I don’t really know why I took it. Likely, some younger form of me was trying to make the camera part of his personality and was bringing it along wherever he went. Who knows? The photos themselves are blurry but an aggressive kind of […]

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High School – Roll 7

Blog, Photography

These photos are all bad. Really, I had to pull up the negatives to make sure I didn’t make a mistake while scanning these and sure enough, they are all bad. It looks like I had some weird light leak or development issue because every single photo has some sort of rippling along the strip. […]

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An Exquisite Corpse


There was a sparkle in the eye of the dark haired man, as he watched from the last row. He laughed to himself quietly. It was done, he told himself; it was all over with and no one would ever guess he had done it. He walked away from the bank just as everyone else […]

January 20, 2009

Cadavre exquis


As I already stated, the new semester began today. I had my first writing workshop and it produced An Exquisite Corpse. We actually used the technique called Exquisite corpse. If you need an explanation, look here. I plan on posting as much of my writing I do in that class as I can get around to doing. […]

January 20, 2009



The past few weeks I spent on break might take the lead for the best break ever. I really cannot put my finger on what made it so good, though. Most of the time was spent playing Halo 3 and Rock Band with my best friend. If I figure out the reason, I will let […]

January 19, 2009

Creative Commons


For what it is worth, this site is now licensed with Creative Commons. I realized recently, after much thought on the subject, that I think an individual’s work should be made available to everyone. My site has always made my work readily available. Now, I have made it clear that I wish for you to use […]

January 13, 2009

The Maz will be missed


It is an odd day when you can put a car up for sale and see it sold within four hours. Today, I did just that. My Mazda 626 has been with me for three and a half years. Recently I decided that I was not driving it enough to justify having it. My plan […]

January 12, 2009

We can cease to argue about it then


1. God exists and is all-powerful, all-knowing and all-loving. 2. If He is all-powerful, then He is able to end all evil. 3. If He is all-loving, then He wants to end all evil. 4. Evil exists. 5. Therefore, God does not exist. “We all make mistakes sometimes.” –My father’s wisdom in response to said […]

January 11, 2009

Work jobs employment and a little leisure


I am back to working 40 hours a week. Have I complained about that yet? What? Over the summer? Ok. Well then, the good thing is that I only have to work there until next Friday. Speaking of next Friday, I might be off to a concert that night. For the record, I am not […]

January 6, 2009

This past year


I feel as though it is some sort of requirement to look back at the past year. It just seems to be the thing that one does with a blog around New Years. This past year I built a website. This past year I wrote 72 blog posts for said website. This past year I […]

January 1, 2009