Cadavre exquis

Blog / Tuesday, January 20th, 2009

As I already stated, the new semester began today. I had my first writing workshop and it produced An Exquisite Corpse. We actually used the technique called Exquisite corpse. If you need an explanation, look here.

I plan on posting as much of my writing I do in that class as I can get around to doing. There are somethings that will be bad and hopefully others that won’t. Deal with it.

As always, give me your thoughts.

2 Replies to “Cadavre exquis”

  1. The first two paragraphs are good. But in the 3rd paragraph the “was felt” bit trips me up. It just seems really awkward. I’m a bit confused though… did your class collaborate on this or did you write it or what?

  2. Erin, you didn’t read the Wikipedia article did you? The process is that everyone writes a line and then you pass it around the circle.

    As for the “was felt”, I just typed up what was on the page.

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