
Blog / Monday, January 19th, 2009

The past few weeks I spent on break might take the lead for the best break ever. I really cannot put my finger on what made it so good, though. Most of the time was spent playing Halo 3 and Rock Band with my best friend. If I figure out the reason, I will let you know.

The Disturbed concert on Friday was…crazy. I saw some weird stuff go down. A girl bit another girl’s neck for a few minutes straight. A large drunken man almost killed me in his excitement. I think I saw my English TA from last year. I realized that bands get some sort of pleasure out of a crowd throwing their hands in the air. These are just to name a few.

Classes resume tomorrow. I am only a little more than excited.

My schedule for this semester is quite decent. Classes revolve around late morning and early afternoon. I work in the mornings and no longer into the wee hours of the morning (good riddance). I managed to save a lot of money on textbooks by swapping with a friend, she saved a fair amount too.

I need to find myself a spray bottle. My cat keeps eying my new bonsai tree and I need something to blast her in the face with to protect my green life. If you are in my area and know where I could get one, drop me a line.

I am going to go read the comics and then hit the hay for the night.

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