The Maz will be missed

Blog / Monday, January 12th, 2009

It is an odd day when you can put a car up for sale and see it sold within four hours.

Today, I did just that.

My Mazda 626 has been with me for three and a half years. Recently I decided that I was not driving it enough to justify having it. My plan was then to sell it while it could still make me some money.

Craigslist was the site that I used and almost instantly I was receiving emails of people wishing to buy my car, telling me that they would pay me cash as long as it ran.

Well, I received my cash. Then I had the duty to inform all of the potential buyers that the car was off the market.

I went to remove my posting from Craigslist. It turns out that the post was flagged enough that it was removed by the system. I wonder what I did wrong. To me it seems that I did everything right if I was able to get rid of the car in a short period of time. I suppose I shall never know.

I think it was a good day, though.

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