Work jobs employment and a little leisure

Blog / Tuesday, January 6th, 2009

I am back to working 40 hours a week. Have I complained about that yet? What? Over the summer? Ok. Well then, the good thing is that I only have to work there until next Friday.

Speaking of next Friday, I might be off to a concert that night. For the record, I am not concert material. I don’t feel comfortable with people so close to me. I never feel comfortable enough to sing along when I know the words. I also do not understand why people pay large sums of money to stand and listen to music that they could easily download for free (oh wait…that is wrong…). Nevertheless, I am excited to be going. I am going to mosh (sp?) and throw elbows and get sweaty and gross and jump and have an all-around good time. Hope I see you there.

My plan for this week was to work my eight hours, drive my half-hour commute home, eat and then work a little more on one of my website jobs. I cannot find the motivation required to work when I get home. Last night it was the television that got my attention, tonight I played some video games. Tomorrow I believe I am taking a trip to the mall with a friend. Any thoughts out there that could help me clock a few hours? I could really use the extra spending money.

Speaking of jobs, I have another interview lined up for when I get back to school. This is coming from the guy who sent out a dozen resumes and heard back from two, one of which hired me and the other refused an interview. Hopefully I get this second job and it fits into my schedule, I want some extra coin to buy a camera this year.

My reading dash over break seems to have ended. I read two books in the first two days of break and another within the next week. Since then, I have only finished one book. That book was completed about ten minutes ago. I have one more that I must finish before school starts up again. Once school is back, I can say goodbye to leisure reading.

My apologies in advance if, for some reason, my comics become depressing for the next few months. The winter months are always hard on me mentally. I do not think I get enough sunshine and fresh air. Also, a couple of events have passed as of late that has put me down. Nothing to worry about I suppose, just be warned, the tone of the comics might be dark.

Ok, enough procrastinating. I am going to try and get a solid hour of work in before I head the bed for the night.

2 Replies to “Work jobs employment and a little leisure”

  1. You should invest in one of those fake-sun lights… it might help boost your mood? And in order to afford it you should do some work on the website jobs! 🙂

  2. My solution for this is to buy some more plants to go along side Carl. I think the greenness of the plants might be what I need. I received a bonzai tree for Christmas and I want to get some pet grass. The pet grass is more for Marley to munch on (it has catnip in some way shape or form in it).

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