Solar Eclipse 2024

Blog, Photography

At the beginning of this year, I didn’t know that photographing the eclipse on film was something that I wanted to do. Heck, I don’t think it even registered for me that there would be an eclipse. Then, I saw some videos where people were hyping it up and why and suddenly I was hyped […]

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High School – Roll 9

Blog, Photography

Whositwhatsit? I’m pretty sure that the was the name of this assignment. Find an object and shoot it from different angles and then other people had to guess what it was. I think mine was guessing in about 5 seconds or less. (It’s a bike rack!) I genuinely hated this assignment. I remember having so […]

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Photographing an Eclipse on 35mm Film

Blog, Photography

Recently, it came to my attention that the 2024 solar eclipse will be happening next month. On a whim, I decided to take a day off, and make a day of it. I have been itching for some time to relax, and celestial events are a good catalyst for relaxation, in my opinion. However, I […]

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High School – Roll 8

Blog, Photography

There was no assignment for this roll, and to be honest I don’t really know why I took it. Likely, some younger form of me was trying to make the camera part of his personality and was bringing it along wherever he went. Who knows? The photos themselves are blurry but an aggressive kind of […]

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High School – Roll 7

Blog, Photography

These photos are all bad. Really, I had to pull up the negatives to make sure I didn’t make a mistake while scanning these and sure enough, they are all bad. It looks like I had some weird light leak or development issue because every single photo has some sort of rippling along the strip. […]

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Annoying little man


I had the following text conversation this morning at work. Ex-Boss: Hi danny can you please come in and help me with one thing on the website…I can pay you ten bucks an hour as a consultant Me: Nope, no time. Ex-Boss: How about later Me: I work all day. Ex-Boss: What time is good […]

August 25, 2009

Not to be confused with today


I think I might have come across the most awesome variable declaration today: $sixmonthsfromnow = mktime(0,0,0,date(“n”) + 6,date(“j”),date(“Y”)); I don’t know what it is, but it makes me smile.

August 18, 2009

The limit is one


According to the police complaint, there have been several instances of liquor law violations since 2007, including violent disturbances, underage patrons being at the bar and selling liquor to intoxicated customers. —The Badger Herald Inc. I’m really curious how bars can exist if they aren’t allowed to sell liquor to intoxicated customers.

August 12, 2009

I hope Google is wrong


I was reading a blog post earlier today and I was told that Google’s suggestive search was amusing if you type in ‘Twitter is ‘. So I did. Then I thought I would try other things to see what Google suggested for them. Here is the result of me:

August 11, 2009

A big recommendation


The other day I asked my best friend to write a recommendation for me for an application I am working on. I am required to have three; one from a supervisor from a job I have held, one from a supervisor from a volunteer position I have held, and one from a close friend I […]

August 10, 2009

Denial of Service


Twitter is fighting off a DoS attack when I finally get my code working. Such is life. I have been working on using cURL to send POST data to PayPal for almost two weeks now. Everything I tried seemed to send me to the PayPal homepage, without explanation. My tweets have been full of anger […]

August 6, 2009

I will play for most any team


There was a short episode in Calvin and Hobbes back when it was still being written. In this episode Calvin became sick with the chicken pox over the summer. When Calvin rinds out that he will be stuck in bed for a week of his precious summer, he proclaims that he will make up the […]

August 2, 2009

In review


Some things that I did this weekend: Boiled my carbs in lemon juice Learned how to properly reassemble my carbs Celebrated the parent of a friend’s 50th birthday Learned to kick start a motorcycle Moved my batting average from .714 to .800 Not a bad weekend, though, it would have been better had I gotten […]

July 19, 2009



I am going to see Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince tonight. In my world, Death Eaters should get in free.

July 17, 2009