
I believe I have the RSS working for the blog posts. This message is a notification and a test of the script. Here goes nothing.

March 5, 2008



As you may have noticed, commenting is now available for the blog posts. I hope this is used as intended and there is no spam to be had. Though if there is, I can always enhance it to avoid spam and pointless talk. I also have built in a way for me to delete comments […]

March 4, 2008



Turns out buffers can come in handy. My current comic buffer runs out on Wednesday. Which is timed perfectly with the end of my exams and papers due for this time of the semester. I have been so swamped lately that I have not had any time to draw more comics. I had one from […]

March 1, 2008



I have not had as much time lately as I would have liked to work on the site, though I am slowly progessing through my tasks. Time is better spent at the moment catching up on my vast amounts of reading for class. Supposedly if I do well on things called exams I will, in […]

February 23, 2008

Making the move


Just thought I would let you know that the comics are now being updated every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I have multiple reasons for making the change. First, with updating only twice a week I had a buffer of four weeks. Second, this relates to the first, I like to be able to relate my […]

February 17, 2008

Change we can believe in


I saw Senator Obama speak last night, it was moving. He talks of great change, not coming solely from him but from the people. He knows that things do not happen over night, but he knows that anything is possible in time. He emphasizes his own past when he speaks. How he started with nothing […]

February 13, 2008

My bad, changes to come


First off, I want to apologize for the comic not being updated like it should have. It should update automatically at midnight eastern time. But there was a little problem with my code that didn’t add the comics for me. It has been fixed and it shouldn’t happen again. Secondly, I want everyone to know […]

February 12, 2008

Oh yeah


I apologize, I am working on cleaning up some code which I could do on my local environment but at the same time I am trying to make sure that my hosted site works well with any strain I put it under. Hope that makes sense. So now that I finished the homework I am […]

February 11, 2008