Spanning coast to coast


I was just checking over the statistics of the site and I see that we have had visitors from each coast, which is great. Do me a little favor and tell your friends about this site and we can see where that takes us. As of right now, I have the comic updating twice a […]

February 10, 2008

Up and running


So after I posted the last entry I think everything is running enough to call my project a success. I am going to keep adding features and making the site better. If you have any suggestions for what you wish to see here, send an email to the webmaster.

February 7, 2008

Whitewater High School


Homeroom Teacher: Mrs. Cresswell (2002-2006) Extracurricular Activities: Model UN, National Honors Society, Strategy & Tactics Club, Drama Club, The Voice, Soccer, Track Graduated 6th of 160 [google-map-sc]

September 5, 2002

Washington Elementary School


Washington Elementary School Kindergarten: Mrs. Holford (1993-1994) 1st Grade: Mrs. Salverson (1994-1995) 2nd Grade: Mrs. Mealy (1995-1996) 3rd Grade: Mrs. Britson (1996-1997) 4th Grade: Mr. Meinel (1997-1998) 5th Grade: Mr. Nelson (1998-1999) [google-map-sc]

September 1, 1993