Change we can believe in

Blog / Wednesday, February 13th, 2008

I saw Senator Obama speak last night, it was moving. He talks of great change, not coming solely from him but from the people. He knows that things do not happen over night, but he knows that anything is possible in time. He emphasizes his own past when he speaks. How he started with nothing but had hope and the hope of others. It was from this that he built his career, his life.

I was not around when President Kennedy ran for office, nor was I there for any part of his term. But the feeling I get from Senator Obama is what I would expect from a man like President Kennedy. I have seen and heard people comparing the Senator to the former President. I hope these comparisons are true. Because President Kennedy was a great politician and did a lot in the little time he had in office. I know that Senator Obama could do the same, if not more, when given the chance.

Obama is the man for me.

On a side note, tommorow is Valentines Day. I think we need to thank Hallmark for that. I will be spending the day in solitude most likely. But for all of you, I wish each one of you a special happy Valentine’s Day, be it with someone or in solitude like me.

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