Blog, Woodworking

For years I have wanted to have a CNC (computer numerical control) router to play with and cut fun things with. For a period of time, I thought the MaslowCNC would be my entry into the world of computerized making. I even bought one and set it up but ran into a few issues (configuring […]

June 23, 2020


Basement, Blog, Woodworking

I have wanted a CNC (Computer Numerical Control) router for years. The problem, however, is that a CNC is very expensive and only recently have they come down in price but even at that lower price, they’re still out of my range. For a while, I was looking at the cheapest CNCs on the market, […]

July 25, 2018

Heinz Promo


Going along the lines of the post from the other day, I found another video I made and uploaded it. Not nearly as good but it was still fun to make and I think it only took me the better part of an hour. I think I ended up winning a gas card or something […]

February 27, 2013

January, What Happened?

Blog, Motorcycles

January has been busy to the point where even when I have time to write, I don’t because I’m exhausted. Work, and commuting to and from work each day, really takes a lot out of me. There’s not much else to say in that area except I can describe my job by quoting Tom Smykowski […]

January 31, 2013



Guys, I need to share something with you. I originally saw the trailer for this a few months back and pushed it to the back burner because nothing else was out yet. And then forgot about it. Yesterday, I rediscovered it and found out that their already on episode 14 and this makes me wonder […]

September 9, 2012

Life in a day


YouTube asked its users to partake in a project recently, I did. Ridley Scott is producing and Kevin MacDonald is directing a film that features only footage shot on July 24th, 2010. They reached out to YouTube users to lend a hand by uploading what they did that day. Here is my video:

July 29, 2010