Another Year, Another CNC

Blog, Computers, Woodworking

You might remember about a year ago, I went through the process of retrofitting the electronics in an old Dahlgren 400EZ CNC Engraver. I bought it off of Craigslist for $50. To be honest, I still think that is a steal even after learning its limitations. I researched and learned a lot to get it […]

April 8, 2021


Blog, Woodworking

For years I have wanted to have a CNC (computer numerical control) router to play with and cut fun things with. For a period of time, I thought the MaslowCNC would be my entry into the world of computerized making. I even bought one and set it up but ran into a few issues (configuring […]

June 23, 2020


Basement, Blog, Woodworking

I have wanted a CNC (Computer Numerical Control) router for years. The problem, however, is that a CNC is very expensive and only recently have they come down in price but even at that lower price, they’re still out of my range. For a while, I was looking at the cheapest CNCs on the market, […]

July 25, 2018