High School – Roll 6

Blog, Photography

Another roll, another group of photos that I am not thrilled with 18 years after I took them. What I am finding out is that I wasn’t great about keeping my negatives in order in high school. I wish I could jump back in time to give a brief PowerPoint presentation to my younger self […]

February 9, 2024

High School – Roll 5

Blog, Photography

There are two groupings of photos in this roll of film. One grouping was the official assignment from my class and one grouping was a side project. The school assignment was “long exposures” and I’m happy with exactly one of the photos. And by happy, I mean I’m ignoring the muddiness of the photos so […]

January 25, 2024

High School – Roll 4

Blog, Photography

This roll of film is far from my favorite, nearly every photo is under exposed. What’s more than that is that I didn’t like the assignments we had to complete with these photos. I see two in particular, the self portrait and the still life. I struggled with both for some different reasons and some […]

January 11, 2024

High School – Roll 3

Blog, Photography

This next roll from my high school photo archives was very under exposed. Nearly all of the photos needed to have their exposure bumped up a bit so they’d be viewable. I think a lot of this has to do with the fact that they were largely taken indoors, but also I wasn’t really using […]

December 28, 2023

High School – Roll 2

Blog, Photography

In continuing to share the photos I’ve taken with my film cameras over the years, this next roll is the second one I shot in high school. I cannot, for the life of me, remember what the exact theme or assignment was here. If I had to guess, it was one of two things. Either […]

December 14, 2023

High School – Roll 1

Blog, Photography

The photos below are the first roll of film I shot in high school photography class. If I remember correctly, the assignment was just to take a roll and figure out how to use the camera. Speaking of the camera, I believe this was the only roll I shot on it. We had a week […]

November 30, 2023

Alive at 35

Blog, Gardening, Parenting, Woodworking

It’s that time again, isn’t it? The past year got away from me for a couple of reasons. The thirty-fifth year was definitely one for the books. Let’s recap it, shall we? Job Shortly after my birthday, or maybe it was even on my birthday. That sounds right, on my birthday last year, I received […]

November 22, 2023

A Table

Blog, Woodworking

How long does it take to build a table and when do you really get to start counting? Does the timer start when you make the first cut or when you sit down to draft the piece? Maybe it starts when your cutting board doesn’t turn out as intended and you decide that it would […]

July 11, 2023

Becoming Dad

Blog, Parenting

Throughout the pregnancy, I kept telling my wife things like, “The baby is all mine when she gets here,” and “You’ve been carrying her for nine months, I get the next nine.” I wasn’t being silly; I was just being impatient. I’ve been looking forward to being a dad, getting to put my own spin […]

December 22, 2022

That was 34

Blog, Woodworking

The 34th year of my life was emotional. I was presented with a whole host of new situations, good and bad, which I suddenly needed to cope with. Overall, my gut says that things went well which is all I really ask for. Ukraine Early in the year, February 24th to be precise, my life […]

November 22, 2022