Zawacki Tobacki

Blog / Monday, January 16th, 2017

This  has been long in the making, but it’s finally ready. I don’t remember when I first bought tobacco seeds, but it was at least a year ago. I got the crazy idea that I could grow tobacco in a pot and someday, I could supplement my income with it. As you can see from the photo, it’s not at supplement point yet, but for a first try, I would say this is a pretty good yield.

I think this plant was a Wisconsin 951 seed. I thought I would start local for the first shot. I also have some Russian Red seeds I want to grow, but probably not this year even.

I sprouted the seeds, transplanted and transplanted. I tended to the plant nearly every day. Propped it up after storms, picked cottonwood fibers off the plant, and started harvesting it slowly. The leaves hung on our back door to dry. They turned a nice, golden color and became brittle. I rehydrated the leaves and then pressed them in my homemade tobacco press. Overnight, I baked then at a low heat to finish the fermentation process. The packet smells earthy, sweet, and a bit like tea.

All that is left to do is to shred it and smoke it.

I know the health hazards of smoking. For me, it’s a very occasional hobby. Maybe once a month. And having home grown, organic tobacco, well then I can hope it’s a bit healthier than one laden with chemicals.

Does anyone want to try it with me?

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