Textual vomit

Blog / Thursday, December 3rd, 2009

The next three weeks are crunch time. I have one paper due before classes are done, two due after and two finals to complete. If I don’t show up in a few weeks, send someone after me.

A lot of people really stress about finals. I never have. There has been two or three where I studied more than usual but that was to ensure my grade didn’t drop any lower in that class. Freshman year, during the fall semester finals, I had three days between two finals. I didn’t spend this time studying; instead I spent my time watching as much Wonder Years as I could. Take my advice people, the time wasted watching television is more thoroughly enjoyed than the time wasted studying for a class so you can forget the material the moment you hand in that exam.

I bought myself a new laptop. I know I wrote a post a while back that said boasted how great my laptop was running. And it still runs great, when it decides to. Recently something with the video had been dying. It would take about a half hour to get the screen to be somewhat readable and even then I couldn’t bump it or I would have to start the whole process over again. Currently I am writing on my new Acer AspireOne AOD250. She’s small but she gets the job done. I just need to adjust to the smaller than average keyboard.

When I sit with my new laptop actually on my lap, I look like a giant trying to use a normal sized laptop.

It never fails that I pass out on Thanksgiving. I eat a ton and then the turkey kicks in and I am out for an hour. Not complaining, just stating.

I find it remarkable how I can look at a webpage and completely ignore any ads. I was just checking my Gmail and I saw the column of ads on the right side and I asked myself, “What’s this column of text?” Thank you internet for having made me numb to advertising.

I watched part of the Victoria’s Secret Fashion show the other day. I am a man, but I don’t get it. None of those pieces are clothing that someone would actually wear.

It makes my day when friends of mine know of openings for jobs at their offices and they think of me as an ideal candidate. It crushes my day to find out that I can’t take the job because I will be graduating in May and they want someone who will be around for a longer period of time.

I tried doing a webcast last night. I don’t think it really worked. No one wanted to watch me do homework and not talk. Camera’s make me uncomfortable.

Speaking of cameras, I was a model on Monday. A friend of mine is going to school for photography and a girl in her class needed to photograph a couple for an assignment. My friend’s boyfriend didn’t want to do it so I was asked. Apparently, my not smiling, relaxed face is creepy. I blame the lighting.

I have been considering redesigning my website. I would ideally do it on a yearly basis but its a matter of available time right now. Also, I really like my current layout. It is simple and I think simple works. Maybe instead of a redesign, I will add the features that I have been talking about to myself for a while now.

I have Google Wave and I have had it for some time now. I also have about fifteen invites to give out. If anyone wants an invite send me a message. I don’t have enough friends who don’t have it to give them all out. Also, add me. My user name is danny.zawacki@googlewave.com.

On a final note, I only have twelve credits next semester and three of those are an independent study. The independent study is a creative writing class. I have a semester to write about a hundred pages of one story or multiple stories. I am looking forward to it now, though come April I might be worrying about how I am going to write a hundred pages before mid-May.

All of that being said, I think I will call it quits for today.

2 Replies to “Textual vomit”

  1. The Wonder Years is one of my favorite shows =D.

    Fashion shows are like living art galleries — it’s not necessarily about being practical.

    We would all love to “blame the lighting” for our unphotogenic angles

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