Are you there

Blog / Wednesday, March 4th, 2009

I apologize for my absence. I want to hear no more about it.

I like to think that there are more important things that I have been doing that have kept me from updating lately. The truth is, there aren’t. I convince myself that it is because of homework that I have not sat down and wrote, which is partially true. My meals are usually reduced to something quick in both cooking and consuming. Right now, I eat reheated rice from the other day with homemade sweet and sour sauce with some hot sauce. Simple, no? No is correct; I took the time to make both the rice and the sweet and sour sauce when I already had rice cook to a crisp in my cabinets and milk in the fridge (read bowl of Rice Krispies and milk).

Homework has been keeping me quite busy as of late, but I do not think it is any more than usual. And if it is more than usual, its because I didn’t do it when I should have. I must have been working on something else or hanging out with friends.

My conclusion is that I am incorrectly prioritizing my life. I choose random-non-school-related projects over homework and studying and I choose hanging out with friends over that. I could justify this and say that I am gaining life experience that will be used in my writing in the future and it will make me the money that I so desperately need now, but that would be a lie.

I have yet to come to a conclusion on what I am going to do about this, my lack of updating, but let it be know that I plan on fixing it somehow.

In other news I have decided that the best part about my job is when I run documents between the departments of campus. It is an excuse to get out of the office and into the fresh air. Today, for example, I walked a block to pick up a camcorder for the graduate advisor. Since the weather is getting better, I hope these trips happen more often.

I have a few stories to upload. They aren’t much, just weekly writing assignments that I usually write in fifteen minutes. Don’t judge them. Maybe if I need to procrastinate later, I will put them up. Also, expect a long short story in the next few weeks. My draft is due on Tuesday so it should be up shortly there after.

One final note before I go study, expect a bunch of changes soon.

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