That Yearly Thing

Peace Corps / Tuesday, January 10th, 2012

I meant to write this post every day for the past two weeks. I have excuses, but I won’t bother writing them.

2011 is over and 2012 is here. I’m not going to suggest that this is the last year we’ll be alive because all that fuss about the Mayans is misinterpreted. They didn’t predict that the world would end, they predicted that a new era will begin. That’s how I’m going to look at things.

In 2011, I taught and traveled and interacted with a new community. I had happiness and hurts. I was reunited with friends and family only to leave them again. I found a cat and lost him soon after. I met with a very angry Marley. I longed to ride my motorcycle as I walked everywhere. I made peanut butter, vanilla, and sauerkraut from scratch (among other things). I wrote. I worked out. I improved myself.

Now in 2012, I’m looking forward to some things. For starters:

The Zawacki Center for Learning: This is the working title I gave to the English library I’m working on opening in my school. We have our funds, now we just need to spend them according to our budget.

My parents are coming to visit: They scheduled their airfare and they’ll be my first guests in Ukraine (unless one of you decides to come visit before April). Maybe they’ll get to visit The Zawacki Center. “Zawackis visit The Zawacki Center” the headline will read.

I will COS: COS means Close/Continuation of Service. It means I’ll be heading home to America towards the end of this year. The past year has taught me how much I love my home and how much I miss my friends and family.

Marley: I’ll have this ball of fluff in my arms once more and I won’t let go until she forgives me.

Start a new career: I’m actually looking forward to finding a new job. I’ve done a lot of research into what I want to do when I get back. If anyone knows anyone in the publishing industry, hook me up.

Publish my book: My plan is to have my book completed, edited and ready to print before June 1st (I have a coupon which expires in June that has created the perfect deadline for me). I’ll keep you updated on the progress. For example, I wrote a few PHP scripts today to help me with the editing process.

Drive: This goes along with COSing, but “I WANT TO GO FAST!”

Visit Lithuania: My heritage is half Polish, 3/8 Lithuanian, and 1/8 Italian. I’ve now visited Italy and Poland. This summer, I plan to check Lithuania off that list so I can start and finish writing my book based on my travels.

These are only a few of the things I’m looking forward to this year. If, for some reason, the Mayans are wrong and the world actually ends this year, fear not because Geoff and I have our survival plans ready.

6 Replies to “That Yearly Thing”

  1. Marley should be arriving at our house on Thursday. We made sure it is a day when we will be home the whole day with her.
    We also booked our hotel in Venice. It is run by the B & B you stayed at when you were there.

  2. So, uh, when are you planning the trip to Lithuania? Also, can I tag along? I’ve been wanting to visit the land of my forebearers as well.

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