November – Day 26

Blog / Saturday, November 26th, 2011

I’m not going to suggest I’m awesome. I’m going to say it.

I am awesome.

Today, with the aid of a full night sleep and two cups of coffee, I wrote 7,722 words towards the novel. I am completely caught up from the past five days where I only wrote about 400 words. I’m also over 3/4ths of my way to my weekend goal and I still have all day tomorrow to write. With any luck, and a little determination (and probably two more cups of coffee), I’ll be able to hit 50,000 words tomorrow. I only need 6,206 more.

Today’s task in my 30 Day Challenge is to take the Marine Corps Fitness Test. I have to opt out of this test on doctor’s orders. I injured my IT band recently and my doctor told me not to do any running until the Spring so it has enough time to heal fully. Also, I don’t want to humiliate myself with the low, low number of pull ups I can do. Sit ups are something else though because I’ve done those every day. I’m going to guess my score for the test would be somewhere around 190. Which puts me in the second class. I’ll time my sit ups later to get a better idea.

Alright, time to watch a movie and then head to bed so I can finish my novel tomorrow and maybe call my mom.

2 Replies to “November – Day 26”

  1. Great Job! I was a little worried you wouldn’t get all your writing done. good thing you have my knack for getting things done at the last minute!

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