Chrome knight to take down established empires

Blog / Wednesday, July 8th, 2009

I came into work this morning and I booted up my computer to find some interesting news.

I always have a tab open with Twitter up, that way its there when I need it. I also found that ‘Trending Topics’ is the only way that I get news when the student paper is not being printed.

Today one caught my eye, because it was about a product that I use. Google Chrome. I wrote an entry a while back giving the browser decent initial remarks because I did not have to change my web layout for it to look right. Since then, I have migrated the majority of my browsing experience over to Chrome (I still have to do banking in IE because my bank’s software is old and doesn’t recognize Chrome as a browser and I check web compatability in FF and IE (occasionally Safari)).

Anyway, the Trending Topic that I misread to be ‘Google Chrome’ was actually ‘Google Chrome OS’. That’s correct, Google is building a operating system. Read their blog post here: Google’s official blog.

My initial thought was something along the lines of ‘Good, they build a browser well (with the exception of RSS support), so why not let them build an OS that would be free and most likely be what we need?’ Then I stopped and thought about it, Google is planning a takeover of the computer-sphere. They’re pushing their cloud upon us by giving us a product that requires us to use it.

Now I’m not saying that what they are doing is wrong. Far from it. I think they are doing precisely what a smart business needs to do, diversify. They have shown us for a number of years that they know the internet. In knowing the internet and how that works best, don’t you think they might know a little about an OS? The way they pitch it, Chrome OS will be an operating system that revolves around the internet. To me, what they are doing is logical.

There also is the thought that they are trying to rip the carpet from beneath the feet of Microsoft and Apple (and Linux in my opinion). I see nothing wrong with this. Why let companies continue to get away with things even though they are doing them wrong? I hope I have never claimed that Windows is the perfect product, it does what I need and I have adjusted my life to work with its faults. I think we all know how I feel about Apple. The operating systems that they produce are based on technologies that are old and flawed. A system is in place that makes it difficult for them to change. I salute Google for taking a stab at it.

All of that being said, how can I get in on this Google action?

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