
Blog / Monday, December 8th, 2008

Incase you have not already noticed, there is a new link on the right. This goes to a new page I setup for me to post my ‘creative writings’ and such. Currently I only have the story I wrote to get into a workshop next semester. I will hopefully being adding more content soon. (Side note: the formatting will look weird until I post something new because of how I wrote the code, my apologies.)

Enjoy it, and feel free to leave me comments on any of the stories.

2 Replies to “Publishing”

  1. Your story is great. Very well crafted, clever similies, and it had that surreal quality throughout. I thought (at first) it was a fast forward through a guy’s freshman year, especially after the part where they go back into the room and it looks like it’s been lived in for months. Just really cool, I was totally into it. I was actually disappointed to see it take the dream route, though. It would have been cool for the relationship to be a real life relationship, and the falling at the end could have been some fight or something, or a discovery that she was sneaking around… the pacing would have been perfect, at least I think so. Really strong story. I like it. Is that the one you submitted today?

  2. Thanks Carolyn. Yes it is the one that I submitted today. Your opinions of where it could have went seem to make some sense, as though you have had at least a semester of guidance on creative writing. But I chose the route that I did because it was loosely based off of a dream that I had, and since it is rare that I remember anything of my dreams I thought I should write it down.

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