Hello my name is Danny and I have a problem

Blog / Tuesday, November 18th, 2008

A big event happened this past weekend. Well, it would be considered big to the scope of me.

On this past Saturday, I reached my 18th month of sobriety. It feels good to say that, to know that I can sit down with some friends and not feel the urges to partake.

May 15th, 2007, was the last day that I play World of Warcraft. I had been hooked on the game for roughly a year and a half. I decided that it was finally the time to kick the addiction in the balls. I went cold turkey. At the time, I was in the process of moving back into my parents house for the summer. This helped. My mind was not focused on the game, instead I was just trying to get things in order.

The game was draining my money, slowly but draining still. It was eating my time, entire days were spent in a world that didn’t exist. But now, it is all gone. Money is being drained by living in this world. The World of Life, if you will. Entire days are now spent on my studies.

It is a sad thing to admit, but it was a close friend who got me to use for the first time. I had watched him play, even tried his account once or twice. I had to get it.

Now I am happy to say we are both clean. He quit not long after I did. Neither of us have had a relapse.

I finished a book today. It is quite significant because it was the first one all semester that I was able to read on my own time. It wasn’t required for class. It saddens me immensely to acknowledge this fact, even more so because I know next semester is going to be similar.

Switching majors between Sophomore and Junior year can tax a schedule. But I like to look at it as though I spent those first two years getting my general education credits out of the way, not trying for a different major.

On a similar note, next semester I will not be returning to work at the paper. I have various reasons, but the dominant one is that my boss went on a power trip this semester and I will have no more of that.

I spoke with a friend from the paper today who had to leave due to the very large amount of dedication required for work interfering with her health. Her health looked much improved. She looked rested. I was told to make that my goal, get some rest and enjoy it. I will.

Last small thing. I do not think that I am going to be completing NaNoWriMo this year. My novel has been put on the back-burner due to my course and work load. Currently I am about four thousand words into it and the goal is fifty thousand. I am not going to make it in a month, but I am still going to try and finish this one. I am quite happy with it thus far. I will keep you posted.

3 Replies to “Hello my name is Danny and I have a problem”

  1. I think it’s an incredibly wise decision to leave the paper. 🙂

    Also, thanks again for the coffee grinder usage. You saved my caffeine-driven life.

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