Being 30


This is a post I meant to save for the end of the year, as posts like this tend to be placed there. But so much about what I have to say feels better to get it out sooner than later and move on to the next thing. Bear with me because there is light […]

November 21, 2018


Blog, Home

I took an unplanned hiatus. At some point in the late winter and early spring, I stopped riding the bus and I started being busy with the house. I haven’t had a chance to sit down and sort out my thoughts. Now, I have a moment, as I wait for Ellie to wake up and […]

June 18, 2017

Wedding Ring

Blog, Cats

Over the weekend Ellie’s cat, Tilly, decided to start playing with my wedding ring which I had left on the counter while I showered. No one was around to watch her and stop her. She played and played with it and then it disappeared. It was at that moment when I realized how attached I […]

March 1, 2017

Parents’ 31st Anniversary


I’m running a little late on this, but today is my parents’ 31st wedding anniversary! And I know that these days that kind of number seems to be less and less common so really, they must be doing something right and if you get a chance, bug them about it and try to figure out […]

March 5, 2014



Ellie and I decided to take a trip down to Chicago while she was back in August. She had three and a half weeks between moving out of her last apartment and moving into her new one so we figured a trip would be a great way to take advantage of our beingĀ nearĀ each other (I […]

September 2, 2013

Best Man, Married


This post isn’t really much more than a link to another post on some other website. You’ve been warned. Please go check out the awesome photos from one of my best friend’s wedding. They’re over at A Sunshine Moment. You may notice me in some of the photos, I’m the good-looking guy that is more […]

January 31, 2013

January, What Happened?

Blog, Motorcycles

January has been busy to the point where even when I have time to write, I don’t because I’m exhausted. Work, and commuting to and from work each day, really takes a lot out of me. There’s not much else to say in that area except I can describe my job by quoting Tom Smykowski […]

January 31, 2013