Gym membership


Here’s what I want, a gym membership I can pay for on a month to month basis, and it doesn’t cost extra for doing so. Ellie and I just got out of our membership to a gym because we stopped going because it was on the other side of town. The co react we signed […]

December 5, 2016

Going to the Cabin Up North


This past weekend, I did something I’ve wanted to do for a long time but no one ever really invited me to do. I finally got to go spend a weekend at someone’s cabin up north. In Wisconsin, it seems like every other person either has a cabin up north or knows someone who does. […]

June 23, 2014

Chapped Lips

Peace Corps

There’s a cultural difference in Ukraine I don’t fully understand and it was only recently I saw it firsthand. This past week at camp, my lips were chapped after standing in a field all day teaching baseball to the kids. It happens. It’s dry. My seemingly natural reaction is to put on some Chapstick. I […]

July 29, 2012

Camp Excite 2012

Peace Corps

As I mentioned yesterday, I was at camp for the better part of this week and it took me some time to recuperate. Part of that had to do with being outside camping in the heat without running water and all that, and part of that had to do with wearing myself out working with […]

July 28, 2012

Internetting YouTube


After around thirty hours, three beers, and a bowl of tacos, I’m finally ready to internet again after camp. Camp was fun and draining but I’m not ready to talk about it today. Today, I want to know if anyone can tell me how to get the new YouTube to display only the uploads from […]

July 27, 2012

Problems with June

Peace Corps

Summer hasn’t been up to snuff in my books. I can’t seem to motivate myself to much of what I want to do. I get out and do things often, but it seems like I also do a lot of sitting at home surfing the internet. It just dawned on me why last summer was […]

June 22, 2012

Starting Off Eventually

Peace Corps

Today I learned that my running route is roughly 6.7 miles. How, you ask? I took out my old analog map and measured street by street. Then I added each street length together–I took the measurements in centimeters because I’ll be damned if I can find a standard ruler here–to get a total of 63.5cm. […]

May 28, 2012

Summer Plans

Peace Corps This is the last time that I’m aware of that I’ll get to really enjoy this song in it’s fullness. School ended on Friday and it’s finally time to put my summer plans in motion. I’ve already cleared my bathroom sink of the fiberglass insulation-like clog of hair and gunk. Now for the bigger […]

May 27, 2012

Summer weekend number one


Kicking summer off right is essential to a good summer. You need to do it early on otherwise you run the risk of never kicking it off. I have succeeded at this during the past three days. Here’s how. To kick off the weekend, I headed out to the river with Lyuda and some of […]

June 6, 2011

Summer commencement

Peace Corps

School ended last Friday. Here’s some updates on my life. Next week I will be visiting a friend for the week and helping her with her summer camp at her school. I’ve been telling students and teachers about this for a while. Today I received a text message from a teacher at school telling me […]

June 2, 2011