August Updates

Blog, Motorcycles

I’m terrible at posting this month an it hurts me in my inner bits. I’m working on a couple of goals like I did in November 2011. I want to commit myself to writing every day for a month, for example. I think that would be good. However, I want to do one of the […]

August 17, 2013

Starting Off Eventually

Peace Corps

Today I learned that my running route is roughly 6.7 miles. How, you ask? I took out my old analog map and measured street by street. Then I added each street length together–I took the measurements in centimeters because I’ll be damned if I can find a standard ruler here–to get a total of 63.5cm. […]

May 28, 2012



I do this thing where I only update my profile pictures on social networking sites once a year, if at all. I find it helps people associate my face with, well, me. It also makes my life easier because I’m not constantly thinking that I have a better picture that I could post of myself. […]

March 15, 2012