Camp Bio

Peace Corps

Saturday started off as a small planning meeting for the upcoming Camp Excite and then devolved into a mess at the club but that’s not the important part. The club that is. Clubs are never important. What was important was the Camp Excite part and I needed a more interesting grab than, “We had a […]

July 16, 2012

Laughing at Man Day

Peace Corps

It’s Man Day again. Or as it’s more formally called, Protectors of the Fatherland Day. For those of you unaware, it’s a day to celebrate men in Ukraine. Don’t worry, there’s an International Women’s Day on March 8th. That’s international, so it’s more important. Anyway, today I received a card and a box of candies from […]

February 23, 2012

Grandpa’s wishes

Peace Corps

I’ve been spending the past few weeks visiting people that I know I won’t be seeing for a while and getting ready for a going away party to take care of it in a lump sum. This past Monday, I met with a friend who left Tuesday for a semester abroad in Italy. She said […]

September 1, 2010



I came across this image while checking out a website from a job posting. Does anyone else see why the person designing this didn’t look at the final image?

July 12, 2010