

We rearranged the furniture in the office today. My boss is convinced it will increase productivity. I disagree. I’m a stubborn old man, but I disagree. Our office was given to use for a year free by the company investor who owns the building. It feels like an office that was leftover because no one […]

January 18, 2017



Everyone came in to work this morning ready to bitch and moan about something, myself included. I didn’t know it, but something yesterday put us all off. I think it stemmed from our boss announcing the bonus structure for the year, and it was much less than everyone anticipated and felt they deserved. Naturally. My […]

January 17, 2017

Design by Committee


Yesterday I got stuck at work and then the late bus de used to not let people on at my stop, so I walked home. I was stuck at work because of something I call design by committee. I scrambled to put together a year in review page yesterday because I was given the content […]

January 6, 2017



Okay, first off, the bus has been early the past two days which is just as bad as coming late. Maybe worse because it’s easier to miss it if it’s early. Second, my coworker talked me into speaking to my boss about my job position. She listened to a long complaint of mine yesterday and […]

December 29, 2016



I’m no stranger to getting a raise. Part of that stems from the fact that I haven’t really been at a job more than two years. It’s easy to start someone low and then bump them up early on. I’m guessing if I stick around any place long enough, the raises would taper off. Presently, […]

December 28, 2016

Boss is Gone


Some days, when the boss is gone, I find it harder to concentrate than other days. It’s not everytime she’s gone, but it happens. Everytime she is gone, there’s a far more relaxed atmosphere. Just some days I don’t feel like working. She was gone all day today for some medical procedure. I knew this […]

December 22, 2016