Men’s room


“Y’all only like Obama because he’s god.” “Have you seen him? He’s dreamy” –Written inside a bathroom door in the Anthropology Dept.

January 27, 2009

Are you real


I know that there are a bunch of my friends abroad this semester. I am really happy for you. I am hoping that all of them at some point or another get around to stopping by here. If you are one of those friends, drop me a comment and let me know where you are […]

January 25, 2009

Cadavre exquis


As I already stated, the new semester began today. I had my first writing workshop and it produced An Exquisite Corpse. We actually used the technique called Exquisite corpse. If you need an explanation, look here. I plan on posting as much of my writing I do in that class as I can get around to doing. […]

January 20, 2009



The past few weeks I spent on break might take the lead for the best break ever. I really cannot put my finger on what made it so good, though. Most of the time was spent playing Halo 3 and Rock Band with my best friend. If I figure out the reason, I will let […]

January 19, 2009

Creative Commons


For what it is worth, this site is now licensed with Creative Commons. I realized recently, after much thought on the subject, that I think an individual’s work should be made available to everyone. My site has always made my work readily available. Now, I have made it clear that I wish for you to use […]

January 13, 2009

The Maz will be missed


It is an odd day when you can put a car up for sale and see it sold within four hours. Today, I did just that. My Mazda 626 has been with me for three and a half years. Recently I decided that I was not driving it enough to justify having it. My plan […]

January 12, 2009

We can cease to argue about it then


1. God exists and is all-powerful, all-knowing and all-loving. 2. If He is all-powerful, then He is able to end all evil. 3. If He is all-loving, then He wants to end all evil. 4. Evil exists. 5. Therefore, God does not exist. “We all make mistakes sometimes.” –My father’s wisdom in response to said […]

January 11, 2009

Work jobs employment and a little leisure


I am back to working 40 hours a week. Have I complained about that yet? What? Over the summer? Ok. Well then, the good thing is that I only have to work there until next Friday. Speaking of next Friday, I might be off to a concert that night. For the record, I am not […]

January 6, 2009