
Blog / Thursday, December 1st, 2016

I share a desk with a mansplainer. And a manspreader.

He is a condescending male in his twenties and has an antiquated view on the world as well as a condescending way of dealing with people. I have worked with him for almost a year and a half and my opinion of him has only deteriorated. He interrupts and talks over people. His voice is the loudest in the room and his laugh is a harsh boom.

When someone visited our office and asked him his opinion on the recent election, he said he doesn’t talk about politics at work because the women of the office would tear him apart. And they would, but he forgot to include me. He’s disrespectful to women, undervaluing whatever they say. His responses to them do not acknowledge what they say and feel more like he is responding only because it would be more rude not to. His responses are dismissive, that’s the word I wanted. He explains everything to them like they’re complete idiots. He mansplains.

He acts as though he’s the second in command in the office too. We have no second in command because our company structure is the CEO followed by department heads. And in nearly all cases depart heads make up the whole department. He constantly belittles everyone else’s work. Literally using “little” to describe everything. A little list, a little email, a little development. 

We also were invited to a reception for a mural our company helped facilitate (that’s a part of our business) and he told us that he and the CEO would be busy rubbing shoulders at the reception and everyone else can just do whatever as though we had no value at the reception in his eyes.

And lunches. Oh my god, I’ve never know anyone to abuse a lunch hour like he does. We are allotted 30 minutes for lunch. I rarely seem him take less than an hour and on a few times have seen him take two hours. What in the world do you do for two hours at lunch? 

I would not be the least upset if he left or was fired from the company. He brings little to the table, and takes credit for everything else. But since he hasn’t been fire yet and he seems to get away with everything he does, I doubt I’ll see him leave any time soon.

3 Replies to “Mansplainer”

  1. This is so infuriating to read. This guy sounds like such an ass. Also you may be the first male I’ve seen to really mention being offended and bothered by mansplaining and manspreading. Thank you thank you! (from women everywhere)

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