Dungeon Master


I don’t think I’ve talked about this much, if at all, but I really aspire to be a Dungeon Master for a game of Dungeons and Dragons. I’ve read great things about successful people playing the game and I want to be one of those people. I want my friends to be those people. I […]

October 22, 2013

PageRank 3


You want to hear a good one? My blog. This little old website I started back in 2007, has gotten a Google PageRank of 3 as of press time. For being such a little blog that I was under the impression of that no one reads, this is a big deal for me. Just for […]

October 4, 2013

September was Success


I got burned out. Or I fell back into my hole of seclusion. Something happened towards the end of September and I stopped updating. I was doing really well, then I missed a day or two and posted late and it became the habit. Life went on without me posting, but I still felt guilty, […]

October 2, 2013