

Religion is not something I talk about a lot. I have my reasons and they’ll likely come up but I just wanted to start by telling you that I don’t think you need to join my religion. I don’t want to join yours. I don’t care which religion is best. I was born and raised […]

September 26, 2013

If I hadn’t Joined the Peace Corps


What might my life be like, if I hadn’t gone off to Ukraine with the Peace Corps? This question ran through my mind every single day I was there. I thought about it for hours upon hours. I’d sit on trains thinking about it, staring out at the Ukrainian countryside and sweating because everyone refused […]

September 25, 2013

My Dream Job


You know how many times someone has asked me what my dream job would be and I’ve told them only to see the surprise on their face. Those people must not really know. What do you think my dream job would be? A writer? A stay-at-home dad? A project manager at a small translation agency […]

September 22, 2013

10 Things I Want to be Remembered For


Someday, I will die. I hope to go peacefully as my grandpa did, lying on the couch in his sleep. I don’t want to be as young as him because he never really got to know any of his grandkids but still, peacefully in my sleep. At the end of my life, I hope someone […]

September 20, 2013

Mars: The Next Frontier


America used to be about something, we had to conquer and tame the West. It was our Manifest Destiny. But the West has been explored and conquered and settled. There’s nothing left for us to explore. Wrong. There’s nothing left for us to explore on this Earth (well, there is with the oceans and stuff, […]

September 18, 2013

Five Pet Peeves of Danny


Continuing with the theme of “Danny isn’t perfect,” I would like to list off a few things that I cannot stand. A perfect person wouldn’t mind these things, nor anything for that matter. But again, I’m not perfect. To start off, let’s define what a pet peeve is before I start listing mine. To be […]

September 16, 2013

7 Things I’m Awful At


I’m not perfect. You’re not perfect. These are things that people say but hardly think about, in my experience. I’ll tell you I’m not perfect but turn around and attempt something with my mind thinking that I am actually invincible. Here’s a list of seven things I’m actually quite awful at. Emptying the Litter Box I’m […]

September 15, 2013

June’s Toothbrush


It sounded like a simple thing when she said it to me. So simple that it makes me wonder why I, or anyone, thought in any other way about it given our situation. It was so simple, I just had to give in even though everything I had been taught was screaming to not let […]

September 12, 2013

Body Fat


I’m getting older. I’m not old, but I’m older than I was and it’s starting to show. For years, I’ve not really had a problem with my hair graying. In fact, I’m looking forward to it. I’m not sure why exactly, but I think I’d look good with it. Today, however, I’m not concerned with […]

September 10, 2013

A Danny with 1000 Books He Loves


You want to know what book I love? Me too. I’m looking at my bookshelf and I’m trying to decide which one I really love the most. My eyes keep jumping from dust jacket to dusk jacket and I I keep thinking with every new cover, this is the book I love. But I love so […]

September 8, 2013