Running Out of Time

Peace Corps / Tuesday, August 7th, 2012

I just opened my last tube of tooth paste. You might remember how particular I am about which brand/flavor I use. Crest Multicare Whitening Freshmint. They don’t sell that here so I’ve had to have it shipped and brought over. I think this last tube will keep my teeth clean until the end.

Last week, I opened my last jar of peanut butter. I’ve rationed it until now, but I think with the size of the jar and the time left, I can live comfortably for the next few months.

The last day we can leave Ukraine is December 9th, unless we want to extend. I’m not going to extend. I miss home, family, and friends too much. And I especially miss my Marley cat. But as of today, December 9th is only 124 days away. That doesn’t seem like much at all.


Another Peace Corps Volunteer, Steve, who is also in Peace Corps Ukraine group 39 with me visited this weekend. The main purpose was to throw a baseball around for a bit, which we did (he’s the only other guy nearby who brought a glove and ball with him). Anyway, we got to talking and doing some math over a couple of beers and re realized that we really only have six weeks of teaching left. We’ll be here for more of the school year, but due to Peace Corps meetings, fall break, and other things here and there, it boils down to a mere six weeks. I’m having trouble wrapping my head around that one.

I guess all I’m trying to say is that to take care of things is running.

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