November – Day 27

Blog / Sunday, November 27th, 2011

Where to begin today? How about with the weekly mustache update? Here it is:

IMG_0233.JPGIt’s actually starting to look less creepy. I’ve decided once the month is over, I’m going to start growing a beard to complement it. I’ll shave one last time on Wednesday, post the picture and then it will be facial hair abandon for a few months at least.

Remember when I said I had a goal of writing at least 10,000 words this weekend? Remember yesterday when I said I wrote 7,722 words? Remember that goal of 50,000 words? Well, I haven’t reach the goal yet (though if I could count blog posts towards the count I’d be done) but I’m damned close. I’ve written 12,269 words this weekend so far. I have only 1,659 words left to write. The end is in sight. I need to average 415 words/day over the next four days to win this thing. I’m going to try to get it done tonight. That’s only four pages in my notebook and I’m at a part that’s vital to the story, therefore interesting to write. Granted, winning NaNoWriMo and finishing my book are two separate things. I reckon I have about 20,000 more words to write before this whole thing I’m finished with the first draft (don’t forget about the roughly 7,000 words I wrote before November). I’ll keep you updated.

Today’s task in my 30 Day Challenge is to start a book. I don’t fall in the demographics of men who need to read more. I read plenty. Check out my reading library if you don’t believe me. In the total time I’ve been in Peace Corps, I’ve read 46 books. Every time I get a moment at school to read, I do. I set an example for my students. I tell them to read and then make a point of being seen, reading. I’m not going to worry about starting a new book today. I’ll try to finish the one I’m reading this week.

Only twenty push ups and fifty sit ups left to do today. After that, only three hundred of each left this month. But who’s counting?

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