November – Day 12

Blog / Saturday, November 12th, 2011

I feel awful, I spent the entire day yesterday and today not writing. Tomorrow I need to make up for lost time and to write for tomorrow, too. We’re talking 5,000+ words tomorrow. That’s almost as many as I wrote all of last weekend. I think I wrote about 4,200 words on Saturday though so it shouldn’t be too hard (I just checked and that’s the right amount). If I don’t talk to you tomorrow, know why.

I also skipped the past two days to write in my journal. I feel like it’s a private thing and it’s hard to do with guests around.

I didn’t do any push ups or sit ups today, though I did an extra 25 sit ups yesterday. But the point isn’t necessarily to do 100 of each every day, the point is to do 3,000 in a month. I’ll make them up over the next day or two. If I skip too many days, then it’ll get harder to complete my goal.

I’m not looking forward to shaving again tomorrow. Mustache is at creepy pedophile look. School this week will need me to let go of my self-consciousness.

Finally, today’s task in my 30 Day Challenge is to create a bucket list. I need to come up with at least ten things to put on my list. Here they are, in no particular order:

  • Get the Kawasaki running
  • Be knighted
  • Be a husband
  • Be a father
  • Travel to every continent (North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, Antarctica)
  • Jump out of a plane
  • Sell a novel which I wrote (be a paperback writer)
  • Travel to every state in the USA
  • Own a house
  • Win an award for writing
  • Pay off my student loans early

The second part of today’s task is to start progressing towards one of these in the next 24 hours. For that, I’ll work on my novel some more (which might work towards two of these).

Time to go catch up on some sleep.

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