It was not an apple that Eve ate

Blog / Saturday, March 28th, 2009

Yesterday, I went with the guys for a fish fry. The three of us are all Catholic and we try to observe the practice of not eating meat on Fridays during Lent as a form of fasting.

There are quite a few places within walking distance from our apartment that offer some sort of fish fry or another on Fridays. I have not had any fried fish in a while, but each of these guys have had a chance to sample some of the restaurants in the area. We decided on a place that none of us had been to before for the fish fry. Wrong move.

We ordered our meals and were served some bread while we waited for the fist round of food to come out of the kitchen. The bread was warm and soft, what I would expect bread to be at a fancier restaurant. When the food came out shortly thereafter I saw each plate piled high with a mound of coleslaw, blackened potatoes and fried bluegill. Excellent portions of each. We dug in. All of the food was approved, though I felt some of the fish was too greasy and some of it was too salty but edible nonetheless.

As I was finishing the last bit of food on my plate, the potatoes, I noticed that what I had previously thought to be blackened potato skin was actually bacon. Can someone explain to me why a restaurant would put bacon in a fish fry during Lent?

On a different note, I finally was able to get the network server for my apartment running again today. I had taken it down a few months back so I could redo it in RAID1 but ran into some problems. Once I finally figured out how to solve those things, it was just a matter of finding the time to sit down and get everything configured. Currently, I am restoring the old files to it.

And finally, I have not gone for a run in some time (a few weeks). I think tonight is the night that I start again. It has been far too long since I have been able to clear my mind and just run.

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