This blog is like…um…a…

Blog / Thursday, March 26th, 2009

My cousin has become quite the compulsive blogger of late. Or rather I found out that she keeps a blog, of late. Either way, I have found some gems while reading through the massive amounts of daily posts she has.

This one appealed to me on so many levels that I could not live my life without sending you there, the way a man who resides in a coffin could not live his life.

23 Actual ‘Metaphors’ Found in HS English Essays

What can I say, it is a mix between humor and grammar, the same way oil and water are a mix except this actually works together.

Am I trying to hard to get on this list?

Also, there is a link to the blog under the navigation on the left: Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.

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