Sassyhacksaws 2.0

Blog / Sunday, March 22nd, 2009

I hope you noticed. I mean seriously, you are here and it is all around you (or rather this). But I redesigned the site. I know I sort of kept it a secret, that is unless you followed my Twitter this past week where I had a bunch of tweets about it.

Let me know what you think.

One of the web comic writers I read wrote in a blog post that he doesn’t think a website should stay the same. I took this to heart. While his website is run by a paid webmaster and mine is completely taken care of by me, his thoughts for a redesign are much easier to come about.

The web is evolving (seriously, just get me started on that topic), with new technologies come new features and what is the point of missing out on some good ones?

I expanded the width of everything to give me some more space. If it doesn’t fit on your screen, your computer is outdated or your resolution is far too low. My apologies.

I also gave the site a cleaner look to it. Something that will be easy to change and add new feature too. Indeed, I have a few in mind and I know where and how I can implement them. With the old layout it would have taken weeks of frustrating fiddling and reorganizing of code to get these things to work. Not any more.

The two features I added that I enjoy the most are the mouse-over navigations which work seamlessly and the comic preview on the comic archive pages. The navigation uses some style sheet code that seems to be complicated but makes perfect sense once you realize what it is doing. Same goes for the comic preview. Sadly the latter feature doesn’t work with Internet Explorer, well not for me. I would like to get it to work there but I have found that IE is such a pain when you are working with style sheets. So view it in Firefox or even better, in Chrome.

My apologies, the Pictures page currently does nothing. This is because I haven’t written the code for it yet. I really wanted to get the new design up by the end of my spring break and this page was a sacrifice needed to achieve this goal. Also, I my new digital camera that I bought to replace the one that stopped working a few years ago hasn’t arrived yet so I have little to upload.

As always if you see anything that does not seem to be working quite right, drop me an email at or leave a comment and I will fix it as soon as I get some time.

On a side note, I have a tiny rant about my writing workshop. I think I am the only person in that class who has not done any drugs. And if I had, I certainly wouldn’t go bragging about it in the stories I hand in. First off, it makes you sound like a dumb ass showing off your knowledge of the illegals. And secondly, the stories suck. They are all the same crap.

Alright, time to hit the hay.

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