I’ve just seen a face

Blog / Sunday, May 11th, 2008

Do you ever feel like you met someone too late? Someone you have known for a while, but never gotten around to talking to and getting to know until the moment that it may matter no more? I have. I think I am going to make it matter, you never know the kind of person you are missing until they are gone, but if you never let that person leave do you still know what kind of person you are missing?

Its been a busy week. After last weekend down in Chicago I had to play a little catch up with my various forms of work. Class ended Friday and exams start this coming afternoon for me. Comics are fortunately caught up on until Wednesday, and after then I will have time to draw a bunch. One job ended for the semester and the celebrations were memorable. Two shifts left ever at my other job.

Studying for exams sucks. I am the least motivated to learn things when I need to learn them. If I could spend half of the time that I spend procrastinating studying for exams, I would be in good shape. Instead I doodle, I putz, and I research future projects online. For example, I am writing online right now when I could be studying.

It isn’t even as though my exams will be difficult to study for. One of them is a paper that I need to write roughly eight pages on. Another is a take home exam that we are only supposed to work on for two hours (the standard length of an exam) because our professor didn’t want to make us come in so early in the morning. The other two I have to show up for. Both of these I was given a list of what may be on the exam. For these, I chose to study only a few of them because the professor will pick a handful of the essay questions and then we have to answer two of them (or roughly a similar format). This paragraph tells me not to study the more I type it.

Lately I have been thinking about the future of this website and the comic and all of the blog posts. I realize that things are going to happen to me that may prevent this to continue as it does. But what do I do then? Personally, I wish I could write a comic forever. I would love to have a comic that is nationally syndicated and children grow up reading it and adults become young with it, but in the forseeable future that is going to be difficult. Not impossible, just difficult. I wish I could say what I mean outright, but that would ruin things for you, the reader. No one wants that. As of right now, do not worry.

On a different note, my summer reading list is coming along quite nicely. Q added a suggestion or two (don’t let me forget to return the favor). I also found a few yesterday at the bookstore that I will add to the bottom, Catch-22Brave New World. Any council either way on those books would be great.

I guess I should climb up into my bed and try to catch a few winks before I need to spew all I can remember about British history. I suppose I shall.

One Reply to “I’ve just seen a face”

  1. Catch-22: funny, clever, satirical. Long, though. Actually, it’s not the length that killed me. There were parts in the middle that rather dragged. Perhaps I tried to read it when I was too young.

    Brave New World: Good book. Not great. The author was not known as a novelist, but an essayist (essayist?). The story is interesting enough, but I liked 1984 better, if you’re going for dystopian novels.

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