Solar Eclipse 2024

Blog, Photography

At the beginning of this year, I didn’t know that photographing the eclipse on film was something that I wanted to do. Heck, I don’t think it even registered for me that there would be an eclipse. Then, I saw some videos where people were hyping it up and why and suddenly I was hyped […]

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High School – Roll 9

Blog, Photography

Whositwhatsit? I’m pretty sure that the was the name of this assignment. Find an object and shoot it from different angles and then other people had to guess what it was. I think mine was guessing in about 5 seconds or less. (It’s a bike rack!) I genuinely hated this assignment. I remember having so […]

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Photographing an Eclipse on 35mm Film

Blog, Photography

Recently, it came to my attention that the 2024 solar eclipse will be happening next month. On a whim, I decided to take a day off, and make a day of it. I have been itching for some time to relax, and celestial events are a good catalyst for relaxation, in my opinion. However, I […]

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High School – Roll 8

Blog, Photography

There was no assignment for this roll, and to be honest I don’t really know why I took it. Likely, some younger form of me was trying to make the camera part of his personality and was bringing it along wherever he went. Who knows? The photos themselves are blurry but an aggressive kind of […]

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High School – Roll 7

Blog, Photography

These photos are all bad. Really, I had to pull up the negatives to make sure I didn’t make a mistake while scanning these and sure enough, they are all bad. It looks like I had some weird light leak or development issue because every single photo has some sort of rippling along the strip. […]

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On 32 Years


Let me start by asking, did anyone have the year they thought they would? Was anyone able to find peace in the year they ended up with? Would it surprise you to hear that while I didn’t have the year I had planned for, I still very much felt at peace with the past year? […]

November 22, 2020

Ten Years

Blog, Peace Corps

Ten years. Let that sink in. Where were you ten years ago? What were you getting ready to do? Can you even imagine? Any given day, I couldn’t tell you without looking it up. But today I know. Today I know that ten years ago, I was leaving to forever change who I was. I […]

September 17, 2020


Blog, Woodworking

For years I have wanted to have a CNC (computer numerical control) router to play with and cut fun things with. For a period of time, I thought the MaslowCNC would be my entry into the world of computerized making. I even bought one and set it up but ran into a few issues (configuring […]

June 23, 2020

Working on Myself

Blog, Books, Writing

I wouldn’t say that I’m a New Years resolution kind of guy, but I do find it to be a convenient way to quit or start something cold turkey. The new year tends to give me a boost with its defined beginning. I can plan and plan and plan, but if I don’t tell myself […]

February 19, 2020

Being 31

Basement, Blog, Home

It’s been a while, and that has been by design. Being 30, for me, was about getting stuff done and seeing where that could take me. Being 31 was about focusing on all the things I needed to do to feel whole. Worn out from a self imposed year of blogging, I started my 31st […]

November 22, 2019

Looking at 2019

Blog, Home, Woodworking

I was done with 2018 a while ago and wrote my thoughts about it for my birthday. I’ve spent the past month treating it like a new year and actually prepping for the new year. I like to tell people I’m not big on resolutions and that I prefer to constantly be improving myself and […]

January 2, 2019

Growth Rulers

Basement, Blog, Home, Woodworking

This project was about a year in the making. Last Christmas, Ellie and I had a niece and two nephews to buy for and there was another on the way and a fifth would come into the picture a little later. Daunted by the prospect of having to buy gifts for several kids, we came […]

December 26, 2018

Whole House Humidifier

Basement, Blog, Home

I have dry, itchy skin. My wife has dry, itchy skin. Our dog has dry, itchy skin. Our cat, well she’s the odd one out. Every winter it is the same. I get really dry and really itchy. We also get static shocks just looking at each other, or maybe we just still have that […]

December 19, 2018

Becoming Better at Woodworking

Basement, Blog, Home, Woodworking

I’m not professionally trained in most of the things that I do. Despite this fact, there are things I think I do exceptionally well. For example, I have never been trained to cook but I have put in thousands of hours studying cooking shows and practicing with meals and now I’d consider myself a decent, […]

December 12, 2018