Solar Eclipse 2024

Blog, Photography

At the beginning of this year, I didn’t know that photographing the eclipse on film was something that I wanted to do. Heck, I don’t think it even registered for me that there would be an eclipse. Then, I saw some videos where people were hyping it up and why and suddenly I was hyped […]

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High School – Roll 9

Blog, Photography

Whositwhatsit? I’m pretty sure that the was the name of this assignment. Find an object and shoot it from different angles and then other people had to guess what it was. I think mine was guessing in about 5 seconds or less. (It’s a bike rack!) I genuinely hated this assignment. I remember having so […]

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Photographing an Eclipse on 35mm Film

Blog, Photography

Recently, it came to my attention that the 2024 solar eclipse will be happening next month. On a whim, I decided to take a day off, and make a day of it. I have been itching for some time to relax, and celestial events are a good catalyst for relaxation, in my opinion. However, I […]

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High School – Roll 8

Blog, Photography

There was no assignment for this roll, and to be honest I don’t really know why I took it. Likely, some younger form of me was trying to make the camera part of his personality and was bringing it along wherever he went. Who knows? The photos themselves are blurry but an aggressive kind of […]

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High School – Roll 7

Blog, Photography

These photos are all bad. Really, I had to pull up the negatives to make sure I didn’t make a mistake while scanning these and sure enough, they are all bad. It looks like I had some weird light leak or development issue because every single photo has some sort of rippling along the strip. […]

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Character Sketch – Writer


He wore a watch. He always needed to know the time, even though he never had any particular place to be. If he for some reason had some place to go, he’s positive that he wouldn’t be late. Today, a glance at his watch made the fedora that rested lightly upon his head move from […]

September 25, 2009

3rd Person Limited Narrative – Chair Shopping


She had wanted a new chair for some time. The chair that they had needed to be replaced; it was worn through in places and there were stains that would never come out. Plus, the old one didn’t fit with the new decor in the room and there wasn’t another other place in the house […]

September 25, 2009

Database excitement


Tomorrow’s comic is number 256. How do I know this you ask? Well, I had the database set to keep track of unique comics using the TINYINT format. Judging on the fact that I was unable to add tomorrow’s comic, TINYINTs only allow for 8 bits of data to be stored. Anything above 256 is out. […]

September 22, 2009

The Death of Ones and Zeros


When I was in the third grade, Mrs. Hanson took our class to the library. We went every week and there was no reason why this time would be any different. But it was because out of all those trips I only remember the story we were read from that time. Mrs. Hanson read us […]

September 20, 2009

Coffee Voices


Diane was a widow. Her husband Luke had died young. He was in an accident while working a government position transporting files between local government offices. His truck was struck by a drunk driver at two o’clock in the afternoon. The drunk driver survived. Because Luke was working at the time of the accident, Diane […]

September 20, 2009

Killing the swarm


There are things that you learn when you live without the aid of your parents. For example, rotting fruits attract the most obnoxious of fruit flies. Hand in hand with that, fruit flies are dumb. All it takes is a paper funnel leading into a vase with cider vinegar to trap them and kill them […]

September 20, 2009



I received the following response to today’s comic. I thought it deserved to be shared on a wider scale. Georgie, I believe this is a gross oversimplification. I think that everyone of us was dealt a hand of cards that gives us certain advantages and disadvantages. Although money can decide some of the struggles we will […]

September 16, 2009

Do not touch me


Recently I have been tempted more than once to purchase a new computer. I see deals on new ones in my mailbox on a daily basis. Everything is faster and better than what I have. But in the end I always talk myself out of buying one, because I don’t need it. I usually am […]

September 4, 2009

But do not take my word for it


Some things I learned this week: When removing an engine from a motorcycle, follow all of the steps in the book even if they do not make sense. They will save you an hour or two of holding an engine and trying to remove it from a frame. Garlic olive juice should not be used […]

August 29, 2009